Safety, quality and the environment are highly valued by mateco bv. As an organization we have various certifications which support in specifying and implementing our objectives and actions. Below is an overview of all our certificates.

CSR performance ladder level 3
mateco bv has opted for the CSR performance ladder, so that the 33 CSR indicators receive the necessary attention to be able to conduct corporate social responsibility throughout the organization.

CO2 performance ladder level 3
With the CO2 performance ladder mateco bv makes it demonstrable that it has a system for mapping CO2 emissions in a correct manner and structurally tackling emissions. For more information consult the SKAO page below.
Download Energiemanagement actionplan (PDF)

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is a certificate to demonstrate that the company has the least possible impact on the environment. There is a direct connection with the CO2 performance ladder. However, waste, use of sustainable resources and materials, soil pollution, unnecessary use of hazardous substances, etc. are also considered.

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is known as quality certification, but its purpose is to meet customer requirements, laws and regulations and to ensure that the organization continuously improves. In addition, the new ISO 9001: 2015 is more focused on risk and opportunity management and stakeholders.

De VCA (Safety, Health, Welfare & Environmental Checklist for Contractors) aims to ensure that certified organizations meet all requirements under the Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet). In 1994, mateco bv was one of the first organizations in the Netherlands to be VCA certified.